Gideon's Army 

Of Women


Welcome to our monthly Women's Networking Conference of Gideon's Army Of Women. The networking conference will bring together women from various backgrounds to celebrate the brand they are promoting. Do you have a business and want to build more relationships with your clients? Are you starting a business and looking for direction? Maybe you don't have a product or a brand but you're inspirational, encouraging, and you have the heart to influence others to pursue their dreams and you want to learn how to be a coach. Whatever you're looking for, this is the place to be. Gideon's Army of Women, you've been hiding long enough; it's time to come out. We are stronger together in making life happen for one another. We are a wealth of resources when we work together. Let us build stronger, more spiritual, and healthier homes together. 

Do you have a specialty in finance, fitness, fashion, or faith? Are you tired of seeing women suffer as a result of their inability to advance in life? Do you think you have the ability to help other women advance? If so, come connect with a hundred other women from all walks of life! Women want to get closer to God, start a business, and connect with other like-minded women. According to Romans 12:1-2, we are to renew our minds and not conform to the ways of this world, but to test what is good, acceptable, and pleasing to the Lord (paraphrase) Get grounded with other women in building a lifestyle of change. 

Gideon's Army Of Women Conference

3 John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper and enjoy good health in every way, as your soul prospers."


Date Night With The King (Wine, Wellness, and Wisdom

Come and enjoy a night with the King as you have a date with destiny. You have been burdened, feeling out of it and trying to strategize your next step for the next season, but God wants to spend this time with you and give you all that He is planning for you and your sisters in the Kingdom of God.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Gideon's Vendors

Set up your station to sell and network your business. Let everyone know that you are in business and what you have to offer. Also, enjoy the perks of being a vendor as you will also get the VIP for more exposure and growth

(+ $0.00 fee)

Gideon's VIP Pass

What will you not get, enjoy your weekend VIP Pass, come have some wine, dinner, breakfast, network, pizza, drinks and being the presence of the most amazing women that have started, created, and have grown their business and with others who are still in the process of growing or starting their business. VIP pass also gives the back drop of where Gideon's Army Of Women is headed and how much we are going to grow as a community and an army of women. This will be the first of many monthly events to come while building the Kingdom of God on earth.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Gideon's Members

Become a member and get access to everything. Each month you will have access to fitness training, meal prepping on how to lose weight, tone up and remove body fat and waste in your body, automated display of being a vendor at any event, home or away, participate in Gideon's Army resource bank, weekly private zoom meetings on wealth, finances, wellness, health, wisdom on what to do in starting your business and what not to do, automaticially participate in monthly networking events, and Godpreneurs Go Deeper in building business for the Kingdom of God in our Gideon's army of women community. You will have no shortness in growing more into the spiritual, loving, financially, blessed woman that you are.

(+ $0.00 fee)
Total: $0.00


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